Intermediate-level Disinfectant: Isopropyl Alcohol VS Ethanol2021-01-05

Ethanol is a colorless and transparent liquid (easy to volatile), with a density lower than that of water. It can be miscible with water at any ratio (generally not an extractant).

Ethanol is a colorless and transparent liquid (easy to volatile), with a density lower than that of water. It can be miscible with water at any ratio (generally not an extractant).
Ethanol is an important solvent that can dissolve a variety of organic and inorganic substances.
Isopropyl alcohol, commonly known as IPA, is a colorless and transparent liquid with an odor similar to a mixture of ethanol and acetone.
Isopropyl alcohol is an important chemical product and raw material. It is mainly used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, plastic, perfume, coating and electronic industries.
Ethanol and Isopropyl alcohol are commonly used intermediate disinfectants. Compared with Ethanol, isopropyl alcohol has better disinfection effect.
The main component of Isopropyl alcohol is dimethyl methanol, which contains two groups of methyl groups to greatly enhance its lipophilicity. Because of its strong permeability, isopropyl alcohol has better ability to kill bacteria and molds.
Alcohol generally refers to a 75% ethanol medical aqueous solution with a group of ethyl groups. The penetrating power of ethyl groups is weaker than that of methyl groups. That is why IPA has better disinfection effect than ethanol.
The ingredients of many medical disinfection paper are actually composed of 70% isopropanol and non-woven fabric.